Cyber security name itself provides security to our information that is stored in networks and devices from external threats. Helps to professionals to protect their confidential information and employee productivity to enhance customer confidence in products and services, this can be used by individuals and enterprises to protect their access to data centers.
Protection in cyber security
It protects the internet connected devices from hackers, spammers and cyber criminals. This practice used by the companies to protect against phishing schemes and data breaches lead to company financial losses. cyber attacks became more complex , cyber security solutions are require to mitigate. These are usually aimed at accessing and changing sensitive information that make to exorting money from users.
Use and Misuse of cyber security
If we use cyber security it leads to protection of data mostly utilized but government sector and milatry. Here misuse means like cyber bullying asking or demanding the other person by sending messages of an your personal things to you and demanding for money. Also hack your office important project work details and doing all these scams leads to misuse of cyber security.
Involved in different sectors
It involved in many fields that helps to protect their information for data loss prevention used by most companies and forensic department for gathering and finding out information. Network security that enhance to give secure the network in toughest situations with different code language to protect from hackers. Threat intelligence mostly used in case of predicting when any surroundings are going to hack it gives information before to alert.
Implies in education
Many educational institutions are introducing as a subject in their course to get a knowledge about this also helps in education department to track their progress and data of a student to keep safe in online and manage operations. Helps in personal data to intellectual property it is a response of cyber security.
Cyber security must be concerned by taking measures of protecting people, corporations and societies against threats from hackers, now a days social media sector is hacking easily should take a measures on that finally this protects from theft and damages.