What is the electric scooter?
Electric scooter:- It is a type of scooter which is run by the electric motor. This type of scooter require battery to run and the battery of scooter is rechargeable.
This type of scooter does not spread the air pollution and this type of scooter can be charge within five hours.
How then electric scooters gain broad market acceptance?
Due to changes in growth of technology and consumer behavior the eletric scooter capture the large area of the market. In india the report of 2023 says that the electric scooter gain popularity of 6.4% in indian market. According to the progress report from 2023 to 2024 there are several changes made in this type scooter are:-
(I) The first change made from 2023 to 2024 is that there is adoption of solid battery which made the weight of scooter is too light.
(II) The second change made from 2023 to 2024 is that with the use of waste material the businessman made the tires and batteries of electrical vehicle.
In this way the e-scooter capture the large area of market.
What is the position of electric scooter in indian market 2020 from 2024?
In india the e-scooter capture rapid growth because of the following reasons are:-
(I) Increasing consumer awareness:- In india the consumer change their though and now they think that the cheaper cost scooter spread the pollution whereas the electric scooter will costly but it does not spread the pollution and save our lives so for that the people started to buying e-scooter more in compare to normal scooter. The growth rate of e-scooter from 2020 to 2024 is 40%.
(II) Rising in demand:- The demand of this product is rising rapidly from 2020 to 2024 so that the supply of electric scooter is increasing by 1500000 units yearly.